Monthly Archives: July 2010

Back From The Dead.

Sooo… It’s been 3 months since we’ve blogged. Hurhurhur.

So much has happened since our last entry, but I shan’t go into full detail. (As Alv always likes to remind me, I’m damn naggy.) But what I would like ya’ll to check out is our brand new band Fan Page on Facebook!


The previous 53A group page on Facebook won’t be deleted, but we’ll be doing all our updates via the new Facebook page, so go check that one out and be a fan if you haven’t already done so!

I’ve developed a slightly unhealthy obsession with Katy Perry in the past year (but no where near as unhealthy as my obsession with Paramore), and hearing that she’s coming for Singfest 2010 has sent a nice little tingle down my spine. Is anyone else going for Singfest this year?

The album cover shot for her new record "Teenage Dream"

*nosebleed* But you know what’s the sad thing? Katy Perry is a kickass songwriter, live performer and all-round musician. Yet, a lot of people don’t recognise her for her talent because all they see is the image that is Katy Perry – cute, sexy, crazy outfits, couple of hit songs. I’ve been spending a lot time searching for her live acoustic shows on Youtube, and about 90% of the comments say stuff like “Wow, didn’t know she can actually play the guitar!”, or “that’s cool, she sings n plays live, always thought she just sang” and a lot of “new found respect for Katy Perry, thought she was just another pretty face who can’t play anything”.

In case you guys need some proof that she really can sing.

All that brings me to this “debate” – in the music industry, does sex sell, or can we rely purely on talent to make it big?

It’s the same thing with Lady Gaga, she has super hit songs, wears practically nothing in her raunchy, controversial MTVs, and people are thoroughly surprised when they see her do live shows on the piano. Why? Does it mean that when a girl is pretty and cares to dress up, she isn’t capable of playing an instrument or being a real musician? Yet, if they don’t go all out to attract/shock people, their success isn’t as evident. For example on Youtube, one of the most influential female singers (and one of my faves) Alanis Morissette has about 2 million hits on her video “Ironic”, a song that almost everyone knows. Lady Gaga? Her video “Bad Romance” has 250 million hits. Holy crap.

Even in Singapore, it’s quite an unknown fact, but quite a number of venues we’ve played at (not referring to our current gigs now) will always request for female singers within the band as a “draw factor”. I’ve had managements actually tell me that if I need to sub out for a gig, “the other singer must be a girl and must be as pretty as you, or prettier”. Really makes you wanna punch them in the face right? But it can’t be helped, it’s not like they don’t recognise you for your talent and ability to sing/perform, it’s just that they think it’s the best way to bring in a good crowd. There was one venue in particular that actually told me to put on more makeup (I used to go to gigs with a bare face/minimal makeup) cause I looked a little too plain. I guess it is necessary for me to dress up a tad more when I’m onstage, cause at the end of the day, we’re there to entertain aren’t we? And when I DO dress up, people say “WAH. You wearing skirt/dress today. How come ah? Why you wear so nice all of a sudden? Not used to seeing you like this.” Omg. Is there no pleasing anyone?!

All I’m saying is, don’t be too quick to judge. Just cause a girl is cute and bothers to dress up, it doesn’t mean she isn’t capable of being a kickass musician. Alicia Pan is HOT AS HELL, has a great voice AND plays mean keys. Same goes for Michaela Therese, I’ve idolized her since my Lasalle days. Tay Kewei’s really cute, sings backup for David Tao, plays the guitar AND er hu ( a Chinese string instrument).

Okay, that’s just me speaking my mind.

